Rate Code List
Residential Customer Standard 5/8” meter service *
Standard charge is calculated on cubic feet. One cubic foot is 7.48 gallons
Quarterly Customers
APPLICATION OF SERVICE. The owner or the owner’s agent, or the occupant of the establishment to be served may apply for service on forms provided by the Utility. If seasonal rental property, only the property owner may be an applicant for service. Any tenant may become a Customer if the tenant assumes responsibility for future service. The owner must authorize the Utility to enter the premises to do the necessary work.
Minimum charge $59.00 per quarter Allowance 900 cubic feet
901 to 2100 cubic feet of usage $4.00 per 100 cubic feet
2101 to 9999999999999 $2.00 per 100 cubic feet
We reserve the right to bill monthly at anytime.
Seasonal Customers
SEASONAL CUSTOMER. A seasonal Customer regularly takes service for only a portion of the year from either a summer or year-round main. A seasonal Customer will be subject to the rules and charges of seasonal rates in effect. A Customer regularly vacating the premises for three months or less may elect in writing to be classified as an annual Customer subject to annual charges.
Minimum charge $236.00 per season** Allowance 1800 cubic feet
1801 to 4200 cubic feet of usage $4.00 per 100 cubic feet
4201 to 9999999999999 $2.00 per 100 cubic feet
* Please ask for rates on larger meter or non-residential services.
** Season is defined as water service from 1 day to 273 days.